This year Erik and I decided to grab our Mr. Turk Rompers and head to San Francisco to celebrate Pride.

He had never been, and although I warned him of the, um well... "free spirited" nature of pride in SF, he didn't believe me until he saw all of its glory...right in front of him on the sidewalk.

However, this was hands down one of the best weekends we have ever had together. It was incredible to meet so many new friends and to be reunited with some of our besties! PS - KIJAFA I LOVE YOU.


Before I dive into the shenanigans, I have to start by saying thank you to Pier 2620 Hotel for hosting and taking such amazing care of us! The rooms feel like a modern hipster apartment, and are super comfortable...yes hipster in a good way. It's located away from all the craziness of Pride, which also was very attractive to us. We love going out and having fun, but it's nice to leave that all in the Castro when you're ready for a break, or sleep....

Now back to the insanity of SF Pride...It all started right when we got into town, we zipped over to the hotel, checked in and briefly basked in the sickness of our suite, before fleeing to the Castro to wolf down pizza before waiting in line... yes, it gets so packed that there are lines for just about anywhere and if you want to get in to BEAUX go EARLY!!! Get stamped...and then come back later. It is so much fun if you can actually get in. Key word, "if." Another favorite of ours is the locally shamed, but aptly titled, "End Up," which is everything the name promises and more. The best music we heard all weekend was at this pleasantly grimey venue. If you're up past 2am, go.

Part of the SF experience I feel requires you to go to a park, Dolores Park if possible, which on Saturday was completely covered in gays. Things got even more magical when a DJ ended up right next to us spinning some 90s magic...it was perfect. Cue the discussion on rompers...so I know a lot of people have been taking issues with men wearing rompers and all I have to say is. Get over it. Wearing a romper is probably one of the crowning achievements of my life. I was comfortable, not too hot, not too cold...and it magically hides any sign of obesity. Yes a romper is a joyous garment and although I've apparently stolen the word from Drew Johnson, rompertunities were abundantly happening for the entire period that Erik and I wore ours. If you don't have a romper, buy one and put it on immediately. You're welcome.

By Sunday we put our rompers to rest...we spent the day, brunching, exploring The Mission and seeing how many times we could stop for "bottomless mimosas," the answer is several. It was nice to close out the trip by exploring with friends and winding down from an intense 48 hour SF Pride situation. I couldn't recommend this trip more to anyone, if you want to have an extra crazy time there are pool parties during the day and headliner parties at night...We will check them out next time, but this round we just went out on an adventure in to the Castro each night and it worked out well for us.


SF we love you and will be back soon xx